Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Kaleu's latest posts
18th February 2024, 02:02
"holy" shit, amazing map
"holy" shit, amazing map
14th September 2022, 02:47
This version is much better, love the colors...
This version is much better, love the colors...
18th August 2021, 15:53
13th September 2019, 14:21
Why Worms Univers everytime? Why not TUS?
Why Worms Univers everytime? Why not TUS?
13th September 2019, 14:11
Hey dude, welcome back :)
Hey dude, welcome back :)
25th August 2019, 22:28
Great job man, original idea!
Great job man, original idea!

25th August 2019, 22:24
Just passing by to say that it's an amazing feeling to witness a map getting featured in 2019. God Job!
Just passing by to say that it's an amazing feeling to witness a map getting featured in 2019. God Job!
14th June 2019, 07:15
Small but nice, just like my cock.
Small but nice, just like my cock.
14th June 2019, 07:17
Good, thanks for the info. Adding the scheme and a example replay would be the best choice.
Good, thanks for the info. Adding the scheme and a example replay would be the best choice.
13th September 2018, 19:48
This map looks great, too bad I discard maps with more than 1 plop hole.
This map looks great, too bad I discard maps with more than 1 plop hole.