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Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.

Register a User Account

Whoa, this is new! You never needed to register or anything like that to use this site, so what's the deal?

You still don't have to register, you can still use this site just like before. You can add your maps and post without registering.

So why should you register then? Well, there are some advantages.
  • Only you can upload maps and post comments in your name, no one can impersonate you.
  • You can edit and delete your own maps.
  • You can send and receive private messages.
  • There'll be some more stuff later, profile pages, etc.

Okay, sounds good. What's the catch?

If you have submitted maps, or posted comments before, we're going to have to verify you. This is going to happen based on your previous posts. This might take some time, but in the meantime, you can still use the site just like before, without logging in.

So that's it?


But what about maps that I submitted under another name (clan tags, etc.)?

Another reason why you should never use clan tags on websites. :P After you login, send a PM to OutofOrder with your previous WMDB nicknames.

W:A name: We only care about your "nickname", so don't inlude your clan or other tags here.

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