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SiMpleTonTRiCkCiTy by triad, JaCkO

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Type: Trick Race
Size: 11400 x 696, 167KB



Demonstration of all tricks by Sir-J:


"Ah, time for some Shopper!" you thought, as you typed "!host shopper" in #AG.

Your game has attracted many players. "This calls for a classic map," you mumbled, typed "!wmdb 4020" to get a map suitable for the occasion.

When the game started, you realized that some things were different: Why is there a Start spot on the left side? Map by Triad? Who the f*ck is Triad? It also looked quite long. "Hmm, did I pick the wrong map?" you wondered, not realizing yet that things were about to get real tricky in SiMpleTon CiTy...


Ever had dreams about Worms Armageddon? This map is themed around a dreamy, distorted version of JackO's iconic classic map that a nameless wormer saw in his dream (hence the distorted repetition of buildings). Hope you'll enjoy it!

If you are confident in your roping skills, send a run to this challenge:

Added on: 24th February 2024, 09:45
Downloads: 22

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Remix, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)