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Portal Chamber (portal logic race) by PyroMan

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Type: Other PX
Size: 4800 x 3200, 1736KB

Tags: Portal, PyroMan, ProjectX


 6.80 (5)
 8.50 (6)
 7.67 (6)

All necessary files to play this map, can be found following this link:

What is this about? A short video gameplay demonstration will say much more then words here:

Tip: if you`re stuck on start - make sure u`ve goodly read discriptions on forum and try to play on Portal Warmer map:

Njoy it.

Added on: 15th December 2012, 23:04
Downloads: 244

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Original. (complain/suggest)

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