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Water Rock Cave by PePaR

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Type: Other
Size: 3000 x 696, 104KB

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Tags: dungeon, pepar


 7.00 (3)
 8.33 (3)
 8.00 (2)

Dungeon Shopper: Water Rock Cave

// Rules

Jetpack Zone: Jetpack only
Rope Zone: Rope only
Parachute Zone: Parachute only
no cba no afr no ktl

// Game Play

enable /rs

30 seconds
5 retreat

You choose where to start, i go for a safe tube near a drop zone.
Each turn you can select which worm to use, for near crate or attack.
A weapon crate is dropped in a Zone each turn (max 5).

Crates dont drop in the green tubes.
Each Zone is a bit dangerous, ploppy, making it hard to get a weapon.

A basic turn is, collecting a weapon, or attacking, or both.

// Inf Weapons

Jetpack, Low Gravity, Rope, Parachute

Added on: 6th March 2012, 06:57
Downloads: 150

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Remix, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)

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